
jeudi 4 juin 2015

World No Tobacco Day: tobacco control without a law is illicit to population’s health

“Stop the illicit trade of tobacco products”, this is the theme that the 28th edition of the World No Tobacco Day is celebrated. In effect, the Cameroon Coalition to Counter Tobacco organized on the 28th May, 2015 in Yaounde, a day dedicated to the fight against tobacco. During this celebration, the discussions focused on the consequences of illicit trade on health, economic and social domains. This in view of an advocacy towards a better tobacco control.
Debate panel
In Cameroon, government measures are existing to overcome this problem as recalled by the representative of the Minister of Public health. But for C3T, these measures are becoming insufficient. In effect, opposition, but equally, in all adoption of an anti-tobacco law, because this will contribute to the efficient fight against this calamity, this is the point of view of all the panelists of the round table debate organized by the C3T on the impact of the illicit trade of tobacco in Cameroon. This debate was Chaired by Aimé Robert Bihina.  The panel was constituted of Mr Pascal Awono (representative of the Minister of Public health), Mrs Koa Alima Beyala Jacqueline (representative of the Minister of Trade), Dr Léonard Mbam Mbam (the representative  of the WHO’s  local office representative  in Yaounde), Hon. Vincent de Paul Emah Etoundi (vice president of the parliamentary network against Tobacco(Oxygen), Dr KAMGA OLEN Jean-Pierre ( Medicalpractitioner ) and Dr Flore NDEMBIYEMBE( president of C3T).
Dr Léonard Mbam Mbam of the World Health Organization (WHO)  called the attention of the assistance on the list of chronic diseases provoked by the ‘Silence killer’ which is tobacco. With regards to Dr Kamga Olen, a Psychiatrist and participant during this round table debate “In spite of all the diseases around, the smoker is already a patient due to his/her dependence on cigarette”. The psychiatrist informs us that smoking cigarette successively, the tobacco subject is searching in reality the pleasure that he/she derives when smoking for the first time. To his point of view, the best thing to do is to stop or prevent people from burning their first cigarette. He also suggest that, sensitization should be focused on people who do not smoke and youths.
Aware of this fact, C3T to involve youths in the tobacco calamity issue, organized the contest of the best tobacco control message. Named,“I am not the puppet of a cigarette”this contest enabled youths to express by drawing or poems their point of views not to be one day the puppet of a cigarette. The winner of the first prize of this contest was Leopoldine Bessawa Mpondo, a form 3 student from François-Xavier Vogt College.

Contest winners and panel

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