
vendredi 11 septembre 2015

Ministry of Public Health: How to ameliorate tobacco control

United around the minister of public health and the civil society during a multisectoral encounter, public administration and civil society study the problem of tobacco use in Cameroon. Objective of the meeting of September 09th 2015, the amelioration of tobacco control in Cameroon.
Presided by the minister of public health, this encounter saw the participation of about 30 representatives of administrations and organizations concerned by the putting in place of anti-tobacco measures in Cameroon.
With regards to his luminary proposals, the minister of public health made known that this encounter will facilitate working on tobacco control measures to be taken in relation to the results and the conclusions of the Global Adult Tobacco (GATS-2013) survey. Strong and alarming results, the minister of public health notified that to reduce the ravage caused by tobacco use in our country, a strong tobacco control law in accordance with the FCTC was forwarded to the government. But while waiting for its outcome, measures to reduce exposition to tobacco use needs to be implemented by all administrations.
Given that, it is by combined actions that we will come to an end of this flew which constitutes a public health problem and hindering the development of Cameroon.
During this gathering, the Cameroon Coalition to Counter Tobacco (C3T) presented the urgent need for a strong anti-tobacco law. This refers amongst others:
·         Total prohibition of smoking in public places, public transport and confined public places;
·         Printing of illustrative health warnings on minimum 70% of all faces of tobacco products packaging.
·         Prohibiting all forms of advertisement, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco products ;
·         Prohibit the marketing of tobacco products to minors and by minors ;
·         Raise taxes on tobacco products ;
·         Protection from tobacco industry interference.
To implement these exigencies, the C3T proposes the putting in place of a multisectoral coordination structure.A proposition highly welcomed by the minister of public health.
After rich exchanges on the situation of tobacco control in Cameroon, the ministry of public health and the participants wished the engagement of different administrations implicated in the application of the retained recommendations.
Andrée Mama Fouda, minister of public health

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